Old Chestnuts Song Circle

September Circle

The first meeting of the song circle was September 23, and we were gratified to have over 20 folks out to participate. We had people from KW, Durham, Toronto and Elora, and ranging in age down to 5 years. Every song featured a sing-along part, from songs that everybody knew, to a Native American round, to newer singer/songwriter material. I've been especially possessed by a couple of songs that Sue Goldberg sang - I can't get them out of my head, but I can't remember enough words to sing a complete chorus! One hazard of song circles, I guess.

There were handouts of several songs to begin our collection. I will compile an index of these; if you start a binder and want to use the index, just label all of the September handouts as "September 95" (or some such), and I will periodicly produce an alphabetical listing, cross-referenced by month. New handouts could come pre-labeled. Please bring handouts if you can. About 15 would be good, and I'll keep any spares for those who might have missed them.

Future Circles

We took a survey and decided to have the next two meetings on the first Saturdays of November and December. The first Saturday was chosen to avoid conflicts with other groups. Unfortunately, we have since learned that the open mic at Ernie's in Cambridge is usually on that night, but was rescheduled in September, thereby confusing us. We can discuss this again at the next meeting, but for now assume the first Saturday. So, the next 2 meetings are:

Saturday November 4, 1995 at 111 Chestnut Street, Kitchener

7:30 PM Jack & Lori Cole (578-6298)

House rules: no smoking, perfume (etc.), corn products

Saturday December 2, 1995 at XXX -----., Kitchener

Dan & Ellen Hergott (XXX-XXXX)

House Rules: to follow

Please call the hosts or James Morgan (745-3602) for more information.


This mailing is being made to everyone who expressed interest in the circle, either by coming or by calling, plus to a few new people. We won't continue mailings to people who don't express interest. In fact, should we do mailings at all? I was wondering if folks would be interested in a monthly or bi-monthly small newsletter, with the Circle dates, dates of other events in the area and maybe some short articles or music reviews. Perhaps we could combine mailings with the Black Walnut Folk Club to make it worth the time and effort. Any thoughts or volunteers?

Other Events

Black Walnut Folk Club Oct. 21 Victoria Park (Jester's Court) Open mic

Mill Race fundraiser Oct. 21 Ernie's Roadhouse 622-0146 Ruth Sutherland and

"The Dawnbreakers"

Dougie MacLean (!!) Nov. 15 Seagram Museum 886-2375 for tickets

Black Walnut Folk Club Nov. 18 Victoria Park Open mic

Eileen McGann, Cathy Miller Dec. 15 Brantford Folk Club 519-579-7676 (Don)

Hope to see you at the next Song Circle!!!
